woodWOP component as free processing
Back woodWOP component as free editing If you click on the WoodWOP component button in the editing tab, the properties window for this editing opens. The default file name suggested is "external.mpr". This file was preinstalled by SmartWOP and can be edited directly. If you want to create a new woodWOP component, overwrite the file name or select the button with [...]
create clothes rails
Zurück Kleiderstangen bzw. Schrankrohre anlegen Wenn Sie Ihre Beschlagsbibliothek um ein neues Schrankrohr erweitern wollen, folgen Sie bitte folgenden Schritten: Navigieren Sie im unteren rechten Bereich des Bildschirms zum Reiter “Beschläge” Oben auf der rechten Seite finden Sie einen gelben, nach oben gerichteten Pfeil. Wenn Sie darauf klicken, öffnet sich eine neue Menüzeile Hier klicken Sie bitte auf das erste Symbol […]
Create and define grip moldings
Zurück Erstellen und Definieren von Griff-Profilleisten Alle Eckpunkte des Griffprofils werden über x und y definiert und als Textdatei abgelegt. Für diese Griff-Profilleiste ergibt sich folgende Eingabe im Texteditor. Speichern Sie Ihre Eingabe als ganz normale TXT-Datei ab. Geben Sie einen Namen für den Griff ein. Wählen Sie dann bei dem Unterpunkt Griffart die Option Profil aus. Es […]
Fold thicker back wall
Back How can a thicker back wall be rebated? Click on the back wall. Change the thickness and the recess according to your requirements. In the next step, enter the depth of the rebating under the sub-item Back wall rebating. The Front property specifies the depth of the rebating all the way around on the inside. Note: The rebating can be displayed as in the picture with the Show material removal button activated. The […]
How to create, load and edit components
Back Create, load and edit components Working with SmartWOP components reduces the construction effort considerably. For example, a base cabinet can be saved as a component and used later in your other projects. The component then adjusts to the volume, so you don't have to laboriously adjust the dimensions. Just drag it in and you're done! Create component First […]
Linking doors
Back If you want to place a door over several volumes in your furniture, the Link function will help you. First, drag doors over the desired volumes. Select the two doors while holding down the CTRL key. Click on Link in the top menu bar under the Extras tab. The doors are merged into one larger door. Alternative: The Volume function (key V) finds […]
Profile files for cupboard tubes and handle strips
Back If you want to save a profile for your self-defined closet rail or handle bar, you need a profile file. The file extension is irrelevant, what is important is the content. So what must this file contain? Contours or coordinates. Example: A rectangular object defined by 5 points. The file should therefore be […]
List of keyboard shortcuts
Back Key(s) Function A Center view ALT Show shortcuts (The program shows shortcuts for the menu navigation) ALT+C Duplicate (selected) element B Edit CRTL/ CTRL + 0-9 Change view CRTL/ CTRL + I Invert selection CRTL/ CTRL + O Open file CRTL/ CTRL + P Print CRTL/ CTRL + S Save file CTRL/ CTRL + N […]
Positioning aids
Back When positioning components, the space bar, or holding down the left mouse button/holding your finger in touchscreen mode, can help you overcome barriers. For clarity, there are two frontal dividers in this example. The goal is to pull the front panel behind the second divider. In order to simplify the insight into the construction […]
Creating new connectors
Back SmartWOP comes with a pre-installed selection of connectors. You can create new connectors at any time. Using the screws as an example, these instructions explain how this works. Switch to edit mode (key B) and click on the screws button. Now the template for screws opens (templates have a red stripe on the left side/ properties of already set connectors […]