Professionals for professionals: strong partners at your side
Our compatibility and sales partners are there for you
You can obtain SmartWOP directly from us or from one of our sales partners, who will advise you comprehensively.
The HOMAG GROUP offers a comprehensive range of CNC-controlled woodworking and processing machines for professional joiners and carpenters. Thanks to the close cooperation, you can be sure that your machine programs from SmartWOP will run perfectly on HOMAG machines.
Address & Contact:
Homagstrasse 3-5
D-72296 Schopfloch, Germany
phone +49 (0) 74 43 . 13-0

Holzfraese has set itself the goal of revolutionizing the craft with innovative technologies. The result: A compact machine made of wood that closes a significant gap in the industry and whose latest stage of development impresses with its optimized construction, modernized design and sophisticated safety technology. Exactly what customers, dealers and suppliers wanted.
Address & Contact:
Am Luftschacht 3
D-45886 Gelsenkirchen, Germany
phone +49 (0) 2 09 . 95 71 65 50

Gerling is your contact for machines from WEINIG and BIESSE for furniture production, window construction, solid wood and special applications.
For more than 50 years, customers from trade and industry have trusted in our competence and holistic solutions.
Address & Contact:
Bridge Street 2a
D-97892 Kreuzwertheim, Germany
phone +49 (0) 93 42 . 92 97-0

Know-how is our added value. Our people are seasoned in the industry. Be sure, we understand you! RAS employees have years of experience and know-how in machinery and production processes in the interior design sector. Our specialists analyze, advise, implement, coach and provide you with appropriate advice for better output. RAS is your partner who thinks along about how we can grow your business.
They have many years of experience and know-how in machines and production processes in the field of interior design. RAS specialists analyze, advise, implement, coach and advise you individually so that you achieve better results.
RAS sees itself as a partner who thinks along with you and helps you to further expand your business.
Address & Contact:
President Kennedy Park 27A
B-8500 Kortrijk
phone +32 (0) 56 96 95 00

Hubert Hargaßner's consulting firm is characterized by many years of experience in organizing furniture production.
In cooperation with Tibek and SmartWOP, solutions are found for small, medium and larger companies.
The spectrum ranges from one-person companies to the furniture industry.
Address & Contact:
upgrade to success
Ing. Hubert Hargassner MAS MBA
Wagham 18
AT-4950 Altheim
phone +43 (0)6 77 61 68 79 75

Papenbroock stands for high-quality machines, innovations and “everything from a single source”.
We offer comprehensive solutions for woodworking. Our focus is the advice, planning and delivery of woodworking machines.
As a long-standing and experienced specialist dealer, you can rely on us. Thanks to our decades-long collaboration with our partners such as HOMAG, MARTIN and STRIEBIG, you benefit from our in-depth experience in the processing of solid wood, panel material or plastics.
Zentro offers business software for tablets, mobile phones and PCs. Each Zentro software tool can be used independently, e.g. for calculation & controlling, resource planning, warehouse management (LVS), paperless production (PPS), digital material processes, time recording, ERP and project management. However, the greatest benefit is achieved when the software components are combined with one another.
Address & Contact:
Zentro GmbH
Grubbachstraße 71
4644 Grünau im Almtal
phone +43 (0) 7615 31 201